
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ubqari Magazine - January 2021


Sheikh ul Wazaif said
Intention Increases Barakah in Wealth
Quotes from the weekly lectures (Dars)

Gratitude for blessings
Gratitude for blessings
Mason told a strange thing that when you used to pass from here, you said to us that this cement is getting rotten! You are breaking bricks unnecessarily! you should keep some pieces and put them on! That is how I kept watching you for four or five days! One day I explained to my other co-workers to appreciate the blessings of Allah and also tell them the virtues. Two or three weeks later I had an experiment. I asked, "What experiment u did? He said I am from such a village; I work in Lahore for two months. In this way I collect some money and go home, the accumulated wealth is spent on medicines, some on household foodstuff, some on children's education. In this way, all the money
gets finished. He said that I started following your words, repeatedly invoke Allah's name every time, appreciated the blessings granted by Allah, understood my responsibility, did not underdeliver my work, did not cheat, did not deceive! This time I followed your words.

Blessings in wealth because of intention
Ever since I came back from home! Alhamdulilah! I am saving a lot of money, more than half of my money is saved and the strange thing is that till today I never had any money left. I said that Allah has blessed your wealth because of your intention before there was abundance but there was no barakah. Your passion has become true and honesty has come in you. Allah has also blessed your wealth because of your true passion.
And if this passion will increase, then Allah will increase your sustenance, and Allah will supply the sustenance to your coming generations. This is a tried and tested tip.

I didn't know what I was thinking
An artist hung a picture on a square and wrote a note that anyone who saw a mistake in the picture should point out the mistake. When I looked in the evening, there were many marks on the picture. The next day he put up a picture and said that whoever sees a mistake should not point it out but should correct it! No one corrected until evening. Everyone says that everything is fine, this is what happens when one's self is targeted! It is very difficult to raise slogans against one's self! And Dervish people insist on making one raise slogans against one’s self.

Confession of crime! Became the cause of forgiveness
I am nothing, You are everything
Yes, the negation of myself that " La Illah Illa Allah" is Nafi Asbat (negation-affirmation) is the proof that myself is all negation. Allahu Akbar! The meaning of the verse will not be understood until the negation of one's self and the guilt of one's self are proved. The translation of the verse will not be understood! The help of Allah will not be understood! This verse includes the help of Allah, it is only because I am guilty. I have confessed gracious lord! Now forgive me! You promise that the one who confesses is forgivable! Now forgive me. Forgive the matter! Surely, You are the Forgiving and the Absolver.
The miracle of the verse (Ayat-e-Karima)
One of our employees had a wooden saw. He also had a Russian tractor to pick up
and bring the wood. He said: Once my tractor had an accident with a car owner. There was a lot of damage. Both went to the police station. Now my driver took off his shirt and said to the policeman, “Hit me! For God's sake hit me!” He held his feet! He requested them to hit him. He even took off their shoes so that they can hit him with them. The policemen wondered, "Why should we hit you? He said my tractor-trolley had damaged his car, so hit me and put me in jail." The policemen began to think that he felt regret, ashamed of what he had done, so the policemen also felt sorry for him. The policemen pushed him out of the police station. Confession of crime Becomes the cause of forgiveness. So, he was forgiven. This is the miracle of this verse:

لَّآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّآ أَنتَ سُبْحَٰنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ

Blessings of Lecture! From Poverty to Affluence
Honorable Hazrat Hakim Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! For the last three years, I have been participating continuously in the lecture at Tasbeeh Khana Lahore. The lectures have benefited me a lot. I used to work in a factory. I had a meager salary and was living from hand to mouth. I started coming to the lecture, got good deeds here, got Tasbeeh, changed day and night, started praying five times. Always ask Allah for my own business. I started my small business and kept the intention that whatever I will earn, I will set aside two and a half percent and give it to charity. And I did just that. Today I have seven boys working, I have an order book for the next two months, I am not taking any more orders, people everywhere are worried that there is no business, thank God! Customers are returning from me because I don't have time. No matter how busy I am, not a single lecture has been missed. Now I am writing my own story while sitting at Tasbeeh Khana. (Furqan, Lahore)



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